Walks On The Light Side Of Life

MOTIVATIONAL Snippets Of Light: Collection
    Everyone also has a story; everyone IS a story, and everyone wants to have
    from life, about challenges and triumphs. And because these occur every
    where, every day,  this site which is a form of the "never-ending-story", will
    never be completely "finished" - it will remain a work in progress - because
    people are writing stories continually.

    The stories are important - it's a big part of the process of learning: they help
    us make progress. Knowledge is acquired by degrees, sometimes with tiny
    barely perceptible incremental steps forward, and once in a while by sudden
    leaps - it too,  is a never-ending process: the more we learn, the more we
    learn that there is more  to learn.

    Because of the sheer quantity, the titles are  spread over several "Topical"
    pages - in somewhat random order. The Navigation Menus and Icons will
    guide you.

    They are meant to be enjoyed, and may be shared and distributed. Just
    copy the link from the top of this post you like, and paste into your email,
    messenger or chat places.

    The stories were acquired from many diverse sources; some have
    my own perspective added. They are for your enjoyment. My wish is
    that they will assist you on your journey of life and gaining awareness.
    And IF you'd like to share the story of your life journey, by all means,
    send it along please; or any story from someone else you may find.
    Thank you.
This Library Section contains over  two hundred stories;
they are being optimized for smartphones.
Please bear with me

Believe In You

Your Awakening

The Road Less Travelled


Walk Your Talk-1

The Journey Of The Soul

Freedom 2

Let Go (Fear)

Information Please

If I Knew You
Really Cared

A Creed To Live By

Living In The Dash

Did You Know

After A While/
de un Tiempo

A Valentine For The Soul

Five Rules For Being Happy

The Starfish:
Making A Difference

My Comfort Zone
Everything you want is just
outside your comfort zone

Today Is The Day
It doesn't take time to change
your destiny; just that first
single step -

Wet Pants a story of empathy
and compassion. When a decisive
moment shows up, either you
step up to the plate, or . . . .

Three (Important) Words
The most powerful words are
often the smallest - and
perhaps most difficult to
say at times.

You Asked Why
The importance of taking
time to get to know people well.  

Wish You Enough
The Power of Love and the
importance of staying in touch
and let people know how you feel

Do Not Under Estimate
Your Greatness
; it's so
easy to see only our faults,
read this and it will help
get your perspective back.

Our Balance Sheet
Of Life
A neat look at the assets
and liabilities of our personal lives.

Open Letter from God
If God were to write open letters,
they might look like this.

True Love Never Dies
A story of love that transcends
time and space

Different Drum-
Different Drummer:
On being

My Grandfather
Deep abiding love till the end.

Of Roses and Thorns
A story of learning to see
beauty through "new" eyes

Special Lady
a beautiful Valentine Story

Before I Go
A man's last request
an old favourite

Letting Go
(different version)

The Sandpiper
Innocence of childhood

Special Place

An Attitude of

Slow Me Down

The Joy Of Life

Hold On Tightly
To What's Important

Awesome Stress

The Power of Attitude
and Forgiveness:
emotional baggage

Pay It Forward:
The Chain Of Love

Pay It Forward-2
More chain of Love

Cracked Pots
Beauty and Character
in the ageing process

Pebbles and Ripples:
A story about the ripple
effect of all our actions

The Butterfly Story
A story for all parents,
caregivers/helpers and
other professionals

Position-Choice: a story
that reminds us the calmness
helps prepare us for life

What Will Matter
And What Won't,
you're gone

Winning vs Losing
The difference lies in Attitude

Yesterday, Today,
Making the shift to abolish
"yesterday" and "tomorrow" from
your life - to focus
only on Today

The Winding Road
About getting out of your  
head and your own way

The Strangest Secret
About the amazing power
of your mind to achieve
you want

Y-O-U Are Special
You are a unique
manifestation of
the Universe

Risking The Walls
Of Love
The importance of
engaging each other;
intimacy and the power
of Love

The Train Of Life
The train moves forward, leaving
The train moves forward, leaving
want to grow.want to grow.

Stop Condemning
For Past Mistakes:
it's time to move forward -
chock-full of hints
and ideas

Paused On The
A prayer to the mystical  
spirits that live within us.

May You Always
Feel  Loved -
beautiful experience of love

Looking For The
Rainbows do not cause
the rain, they appear
because of the rain.

Morning Blessings
Upbeat good wishes
for your day

The importance of
fulfilling your dreams

Maybe . . . .
Maybe . . .  this page will
help you find some useful
answers for your life
Dawn Cove Abbey
"Roadside assistance" For Your Journey Through Life
- Dedicated to helping people return (and maintain) sanity and decency to life -
From the eBook: "One! The Journey hOMe", by Klaas Tuinman M.A © 2007-2019

Questions and comments welcomed.
New additions regularly