Dissociation also is characterized by a sense of the world as a dreamlike or unreal place
and may be accompanied by poor memory of the specific  events, which in severe form
is known as dissociative amnesia.

Other features of an acute stress disorder include symptoms of generalized anxiety and
hyperarousal, avoidance of situations or stimuli that elicit memories of the trauma, and
persistent, intrusive recollections of the event via flashbacks, dreams, or recurrent thoughts
or visual images. Additional there is often (generally) a lot of internalized

If the symptoms and behavioral disturbances of the acute stress disorder persist  for more
than 1 month, and if these features are associated with functional impairment or significant
distress to the sufferer, the diagnosis is changed to   post-traumatic stress disorder.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder results in a number of changes, including decreased
self-esteem, loss of sustained beliefs about people or society, hopelessness, a sense of
being permanently damaged, and difficulties in previously established relationships, are
typically observed. Substance abuse often develops, especially involving alcohol, and
sedative-hypnotic drugs.

About 50 percent of cases of post-traumatic stress disorder remit within 6  months. For the
remainder, the disorder typically persists for years and can dominate the sufferer’s life.
The highest rates of post-traumatic stress disorder  are found among women who are
victims  of crime, especially rape.

Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment can help you regain a sense of control over your life.
The primary treatment is psychotherapy, but can also include medication. Combining these
treatments can help improve your symptoms by:
  • Teaching you skills to address your symptoms
  • Helping you think better about yourself, others and the world
  • Learning ways to cope if any symptoms arise again
  • Treating other problems often related to traumatic experiences, such as depression,
anxiety, or misuse of alcohol or drugs

You don't have to try to handle the burden of PTSD on your own.

Klaas Tuinman
Dawn Cove Abbey
Deerfield, (Yarmouth County) Nova Scotia, Canada - 2008 rev: 2020
Post Traumatic Stress
This is a reaction; not a disorder.
An Introduction
Acute and Post-Traumatic Stress Reaction "Disorder" (PTSD):

This is an acute stress reaction characterized by anxiety and behavioral
disturbances that develop within the first month after exposure to an
extreme trauma, such as a terrifying ordeal that involved physical harm,
or the threat of physical harm, including physical assault and rape.
  • It is common among first responders in the medical field, homicide
    investigators, and military personnel, etc.
  • The person who develops PTSD may have been the one who was
    harmed, the harm may have happened to a loved one, or the person
    may have witnessed a harmful event that happened to loved ones,
    or strangers.
  • Generally, the symptoms of an acute stress disorder begin during or
    shortly following the trauma. Such extreme traumatic events include
    rape or other severe physical assault, near-death experiences in
    accidents, witnessing a murder, and military combat.
  • The symptom of dissociation, which reflects a perceived detachment
     of the mind from the emotional state or even the body, is a critical
If you feel an anxiety attack coming on, or want to stop
one, here are some steps you can take to help

Click on the graphic to th Right
and follow the instructions  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Klaas Tuinman M.A.
Life Self-Empowerment Facilitation
at Dawn Cove Abbey
Comments and Questions are welcomed